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About me the artist.......and some of my comments on my art.......

I Have been drawing & painting since early childhood.  I had a chance to present my artwork to  Ringo Starr  while attending one of his concerts.

My paintings & wearable art have been featured in a  galleries,in Saugatuck Mi. known for several different expressions of art,as well as a major tourist destination,in the Midwest, I also was features in a Lansing Michigan Newspaper as a featured artist from Michigan.

Also I have my  painted  Beatles shoes in JPGR BEATLES MUSEUM in Madrid,Spain.


A great person and writer from England said

 I am an amateur artist but not good enough to produce quality artwork like you, so all credit to you.




I so admire any artist that can transform colors and shapes into images that inspire and move us all. And when it involves The Beatles, I wish I had that same talent. True artists like you are like fine jewels to be appreciated


It takes a special sort of artist's eye to capture a likeness in a simple caricature--and you capture the Beatles well, in every cartoon. The canvas shoes you designed are very cool 


Sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I was out of the country on a business trip and just got back. I received the painting. You are very talented and it is really a neat piece of art work,

Best regards,



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